On 5 of October the District Court of Amsterdam started hearings in the case of return to Ukraine of museum exhibits, which earlier had been exported from the four Crimean museums for exhibiting in the Allard Pierson Museum (the University of Amsterdam).
Sergii Koziakov & Partners law firm jointly with the Dutch law firm Bergh Stoop & Sanders (Amsterdam, the Kingdom of the Netherlands) represent the interests of the State of Ukraine in the abovementioned litigation.
The official position of Ukraine holds that the exhibits are not subject to return to the temporary occupied territory of Crimean Peninsula, and are to be transferred directly to the territory controlled by the State of Ukraine
On behalf of Sergii Koziakov & Partners, Counsellor Olena Hladyuk and associate Andriy Pylypenko are engaged in the project under supervision of Partner Andriy Karnaukhov.