Representative experience:
We advise companies in this sphere on various matters namely:
- legal services and drafting of documents on corporate restructuring and strengthening capacity to mobilize resources for CJSC “The Municipal Energy Service Company in the City of Rivne “ESCO-Rivne;
- representing Subsidiary Company “Gaz Ukraine” of National Joint Stock Company “Naftogaz” in economic court in case “Gaz Ukraine” against “Donetskoblenergo”, “Gas Ukraine” against Kharkov TPS 5;
- llegal due diligence of the existing corporate structure of one of the largest Ukrainian energy holdings and potential objects of investment/acquisition as to their compliance with the legislation on the protection of economic competition and identification of possible violations of legislation that occurred in the course of development of the existing structure of the energy holding, preparation of the recommendation to rectify the infringements;
- representing one of the sellers during a landmark agreement in the field of renewable energy (acquisition of Sivashenergoprom LLC by the Norwegian company NBT AS);
- advised South Korean company providing legal analysis and opinions on the matters of the application of green tariff in Ukraine and potential changes due to the amendments to Ukrainian legislation as well as regarding the existing currency risk as to the feed-in-tariff matter under Ukrainian legislation;
- advised European companies in the field of wind and solar energy on the functioning of the green tariff in Ukraine and factors that may affect the revision of such preferences;
- preparing recommendations and possible restructuring schemes of the existing corporate structure of one of the largest Ukrainian energy holdings;
- support of the transactions regarding corporate restructuring of the energy holding;
- preparation of the documents and obtaining a required the AMCU merger clearances under current legislation for establishing a new energy holding structure;
- preparation of the documents and obtaining required the AMCU merger clearances to rectify legislation deficiencies on protection of economic competition for the energy holding;
- providing services on the procedure of transfer of the companies’ assets to energy holding, including property assets, as well as providing practical legal assistance to transfer assets under the Client’s management decisions.